
Showing posts from October, 2017
                                         Operation Clean-Coast Building a rubbish tomb near Helvick Head Appeal for awareness and help!   The kayak-Trek blogspot was established to document our sea-treks and provide information to others should they wish to explore the wonderful "Coastscape" we have at our doorstep. As we explore the hidden beaches and coves we are encountering so much rubbish there; the detritus of humanity washed up and littering this wilderness.  There is simply too much of it to take away so we build "Rubbish Tombs" and at least contain it. Ideally it should be removed and disposed of responsibly but until we have more than kayaks at our disposal, this is all we can do for now. This is an appeal for help to those who enjoy the outdoors - please take some of this rubbish back with you! I will document the areas we have cleaned up and publish it here.  Containing the Rubbish Beach southwest of Helvick Head